Harburn07 (7)
Originally uploaded by Milli.
Even without the sunglasses though - this straight shot of the sun setting over Threipmuir Reservoir was still breath taking!
Even without the sunglasses though - this straight shot of the sun setting over Threipmuir Reservoir was still breath taking!
Who needs fancy filters when you have a pair of sunglasses to hand! I couldn't resist giving this a try! Ever looked at a sunset through sunglasses and thought - wow! that's amazing! but then you take them off and its not quite the same? Well, i wondered if i could get the same look to my image and thought - oh well, may as well give it a shot - and i'm very pleased with the result (maybe i'll keep it in mind for the future too! Lol!)
Thankfully, I only got the tips of my toes wet for this one! lol! I loved the reflection of the sky in the water and, due to a very handy cloud above, how it stopped, allowing me to see the bottom of the reservoir at my feet! So, lining myself up with a nice line of protruding stones for a touch of middle distance interest, i took the shot!
A bit of a classic "boat" composition. I took this image the other day up at Threipmuir Reservoir on the foot of the Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh. The calmness of the water gave great reflections and with these two boats just sitting there i couldn't resist this, slightly Clichéd, shot!
Another panoramic shot created using photomerge! This one only consists of 4 shots this time. I've found that trying to match the exposure of each shot during the day is a nightmare! I never managed it this time and had to spend a lot of time trying to match them up in photoshop :(
My first attempt @ Photomerging! It consists of 5 portrait shots - showing a 180 degree view! I want to go back and try the same shot during the day, but get the sneeky Suspicion it will not be as stricking!
Well - Here i go with my first blog! This was an image i'd been thinking about taking for a while - everytime i travelled along the a71 i could see these magnificent structures standing high above the surrounding lanscape! So, finally, when one evening i saw the potential for the right kinda sunset, i decided to head up and have a closer look! I was quite disappointed to find that i couldn't get the perspective on the turbines that i originally thought about due to the big fence that goes round the fields - however i managed to find this spot with the solitary tree! Giving me this much more thought provoking shot! Hope you enjoy....x.